About the Business
We met at a local agency and worked as a team for many years - Paul as an account manager and Aimee as a lead designer. Aimee was eventually head hunted by a major Design and Marketing agency but having gone through the gruelling interviews with them, designing mock ups from real life briefs and being offered a great job she did not take up the offer, the fact they had an IDEAS POD in their huge building was far too pretentious for Aimee. Anyone who knows Aimee will know what I mean.
So eventually we both set up Core Design Communications in 2002, just 2 of us working from a home office-quite a change. Things have changed further since then, most of our work was graphic design for large public sector organisations like Coventry Council, Warwick District Council, the DFEE, BECTA and the NHS. Our knowledge of branding and consistency of work was exactly what these organisations wanted and required.
Location & Hours

565 Holyhead Road